Monday, July 29, 2013


3 Hour study - Haskins Ohio

Finally some diffused light! This one was fun to paint. I believe that my edges need work and that the values are a bit strange in places but over all I think this maybe one of the most successful plein-airs that I've worked on thus far. I would love to hear comments and critiques. I do think that once I get the hang of direct painting on site I can focus on composition and creating a work as opposed to a study. I feel like the work isn't as "poetic" or me yet... which I have plans to take it in a direction that is more well suited to my personality, but I simply have to learn how to paint first. 

3 Hour Study - Maumee River - Sidecut Metropark

Edges and values are my biggest weakness, which I suppose are major things. I just have to get used to light changing and being able to adapt appropriately to the different environment. When I first arrived the scene was in a rainstorm, and began to clear up near the end of the painting. I guess the more I paint  the better I will be able to improvise and work with what's in front of me. I also did this one with out my glasses to simplify the trees in the distance, which helped initially, but I think I should have put them back on in order to make final corrections.


2 Hour Study - Carter Park

This one is all around just bad. 

Edges... need work once again. I stopped a little more prematurely than planned primarily because the mosquitos were simply eating me alive. 

My first painting with this new set up. It will take a little bit of getting used to simply because the palette is so much smaller than what I was using with my French easel. This painting is just meh... Some parts half way decent others lack commitment. 

A quick snapshot of a cropped but otherwise unedited image from a photo shoot earlier in the week. Photograph by Bianca Garza. Hopefully I will collect the remaining parts for the album by the end of the week and the mixing will truly commence. 

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