Monday, July 1, 2013

Plein Air Studies

Allegheny River, Oil City PA

3 Hour

Too cyan. I need to work on edge control, as well as simplifying the painting. 

Good Ole Bowling Green Ohio. A large tree in the along the slippery elm bike trail. I was using a slightly simpler palette which seems to work well for this sort of scenario. I still have difficulty with values. I believe my indecisiveness is the reason my colors tend to get muddier. 

A tree in Winter Garden Park in Bowling Green OH. The eye can be deceptive... the space behind the tree was hard to place in the background since it was more saturated and lighter in value than the foreground. I need to work on edges to inform these situations. 

A several hour study at Side Cut metro park in Maumee OH. I was unable to finish the painting due to an approaching storm. I feel that this painting is a little more confident but the values are still not there. I  need to not be afraid of using temperature to allude to a hue in the darker value ranges. 

A quick study on the porch of my apartment in BG. I wanted to start really loose and see what would happen. Did not finish due to fading light. 

A progress shot of a painting in Winter Garden Park of some trees in a meadow. I used a much simpler palette this time consisting of Titanium White, Yellow Ocher, Winsor Yellow, Ultramarine Blue, Pyrolle Red, Burnt Umber, and a little Burnt Sienna. 

I still want to simplify the palette even more, so that I am mainly working with temperature and value. 
The end of the study became muddier and rather awful. 

Fortunately I will have a week of vacation to focus on painting in the UP. 

My painting studies have taken a little more of a hiatus than I would have anticipated because I picked up a job and a half for the summer. I am currently a studio assistant for Erwin Redl. Check out some of his work at

In addition I will post some work from the progress of the album in the near future. 

Thanks! Comments and critiques are always appreciated. 

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